Thursday, April 7, 2011


This was the day that I found goggles at a store, and I was so excited about them that I wore them all evening (and everywhere). I was thinking that I could be 'Channing' (the girl from the movie Racing Stripes). And I'm off to the races....

Good Job!

Thumbs to a job well done (this is what I was telling mom, as we wait for dad at his work)! Yup, you too!


To listen or not to listen, what should it be. Okay, so I listened to mommy and then I was able to get my way later on. Try it with your mommy (or daddy).

Washing my cadillac....

When dad was washing our family cars, I decided I'd borrow the bucket and wash my rides too. My wheels were sparkling, and my hood was shining. I was ready to share my clean pink Escalade with the whole street.

Go Stripes!

What can I say.... I Love Zebras!!!

Learning even while bathing

Who says you can't work and have fun, all while on vacation. During a recent trip to Waianae, Hawaii....I was learning while bathing! Thanks Aunty Kamahana, for letting me use your little bathtub to bathe, and encouraging my learning.

Healers of today and tomorrow

While visiting Waianae, Hawaii we were able to visit traditional healers too. Aunty Kamahana (in the blue) and one of our traditional Uncles (in the middle), graciously hosted our visit. I was so worried about an injured butterfly, and Uncle said he would take care of it...and I believed him. Oh yes, that is my mommy in pink (with my new brother or sister on the way).

A salty taste for a little mouth....

I was testing out the salt water, it tastes good. Mom and I were being cautious (actually more mom than I) about the possible waves that could splash onto the ridge from below. It was fun to be near the ocean of Waianae, Hawaii!!

World's Smallest Front Yard

I visited the 'world's smallest front yard' in Santa Monica, California in February. It was actually someone's front yard near the boardwalk.

Very first snow man...

Dad, the snowman, and I all said 'cheese' for mom! My very first snowman, and he stood up tall, well almost.

A little push...

This was a very exciting day, as we went for a drive into the Crestwood mountains of New Mexico and found snow!!! I sled down the tiny slope and enjoyed every moment. This was in February 2011 too.

Celebrating with style...

Happy New Year 2011!!! I celebrated in my Baltimore Ravens gear and was enjoying the moment with my parents and grandparents in Virginia.

I follow the steps of my father...

For those of you who know my father, he has a great taste when it comes to dressing himself. Like him, I have aquired this wonderful trait. Wait a moment, daddy helped dressed me this day and I felt that I was in the best outfit ever.

I love horses

Giddy-yup "Bushy"!! I was pretending that this was my real horse, whose name is Bushy. Unfortunately, this horse and I didn't get far.

My first visit to Sante Fe Roundhouse

Standing here with the almost Navajo Nation President Linda Lovejoy, as I mumbled some words of keeping the New Mexico Youth Alliance from being eliminated. I hope she heard me.

I am a cowgirl..

I was visiting uncle Bill's 'I Scream, Ice Cream" shop (in Albuquerque), and rode this robotic version of a horse. I galloped, trotted, and pranced on this horse with my "Jessie" (Toy Story) cowgirl hat and notice my boots!

My First Barbie doll...

After watching Toy Story 3, and receiving toys as gifts...I looked in my pile of toys and noticed that there was no Barbie doll. So, for the sake of completeness...I got a Barbie doll. She is now spending time in the toy box, and become a regular of that box.

Another exploring moment

Mom helped me make my "green" car. Materials used to make this car: old cereal boxes, yarn, tape, old shoe box, and my high chair.

Go Buzz Lightyear

I decided to "recycle" cereal boxes, and make some Buzz Lightyear wings.

"Mom, look what I wrote"....

I was writing a letter to someone from Africa, apparently I thought my handwriting was better than mom's and scribbled her addressee out!

My new friend...

I was eating my breakfast at grandmother Rosemarie's house, when a little green friend peeked out from under the table. That little green feathered friend was Sunshine the parrot. He was eyeing my cereal.

Listening to some old tunes....

Hey everyone, sorry for the long pause in posting! I guess I was really busy listening to my parents, teachers at day-care, and my tunes (BINGO was his name O).